A Sense of Arrival, Medulla Art Gallery, Trinidad

A Sense of arrival:
an exhibition of essays

In October 2022, Kevin Adonis Browne returned to Trinidad for his fourth exhibition, A Sense of Arrival: An Exhibition of Essays, which feature original work from his forthcoming book of the same name. These visual essays, according to Browne, are…

“a meditation on the complexities of Caribbean being—a memoir inspired by the precarity of the present.”

A Sense of Arrival: An Exhibition of Essays

Exhibited at Medulla Art Gallery in Port of Spain, the collection, like the book itself, is principally concerned with the articulation of Blackness as an expression of infinite arrival—always “in the making.” In doing so, Browne attempts to orient the viewer toward new realities and mythologies—what we know, are willing to believe, and are able to imagine about Caribbeanness—as a way of being, knowing, and making (in) the world.

He approaches some of our “familiar” Caribbean realities in new ways—“new,” in the experiential sense of getting to know and of coming to be known. This, he notes, is a series composed of the humanistic threads of the region—its metaphysics, rhetoric, poetics, and aesthetics. 

Browne’s award-winning visual and written work have previously existed at the intersection of photography and creative nonfiction. In A Sense of Arrival, he extends beyond those boundaries, reaching into the three-dimensional with a consideration of objects-as-texts in his attempt to articulate what rests at the heart of the Caribbean story.